Pixel Art

By pixelart

A Lazy Saturday

Todays blip cannot be covered with a single photo, hence the collage.

The first half of the day was a perfect lazy weekend start. Got up late and was just lazing around a bit. Browsing followed by a mindless Bollywood movie to go with lunch. What else can best describe this, than a soul sitting behind a laptop :) (that's my roomie though. we all sail in the same boat :) !)

Post lunch, came to know that one of my photograph got featured in an event organized by "Flickr" in India as part of their "Hello! India" program. The photograph was featured in an exhibition conducted at New Delhi yesterday. The same will be on display at similar events planned at Mumbai and Bangalore later next week. A very happy and proud moment for me as this is the first time my photograph is getting featured at a public event like this.

The day ended peacefully with a visit to a nearby mall for grocery shopping, followed by a quick dinner at Mc.D. And here I am blipping about my day before I sign off :)

PS: Second part of the collage is my photograph that was featured in the exhibition. Theme: India. Caption: My India! the land where cultures and religions peacefully co-exist. Hope you like it!

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