Bizarre device for a car...

I try not to let too much annoy me but one thing that does and would be consigned to my Room 101 is this odd device that seems to get installed in a car as standard. It's usually located directly in the middle of the steering wheel and produces the most annoying useless sound you will hear on the street.

Why, why, why, why, why do people use the horn of their car to express anger at other road users?

I've tried to work out why this is installed in every car on the roads and why people think they warrant use. Fair enough, if someone on the road has done something wrong, they've made a mistake. Will blaring a horn at them resolve the matter? Will it help them never do it again? Will it turn back time and make the infringement not be there in the first place?

It seems to me that what the use of the horn actually does is:
1) It frightens the crap out of not only the intended recipient, but also every other car, pedestrian and living creature with ears within about a 10 metre radius.
2) If the intended recipient did not have an accident, it's a sure way of helping them achieve one.
3) All surrounding traffic is then thinking they were the intended recipient or trying to work out who is thus taking attention away from the road giving rise to even more possible accidents.

It makes my blood boil whenever I hear a car horn go off.

Does anybody know what the defined use of the car horn is? Is there a situation mentioned in the highway code that warrants it's use?


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