Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous

I refuse to defy gravity!

Spent the a wondeful weekend at my sister-in-laws, enjoying the nicest weather of the year so far! A beautiful, calm, sunny +26°C.

The kids spent the entire day outside, playing with their cousins. Running, jumping, climbing, sliding, swinging and playing ball!

A couple of unsucessful slam-dunk attempts led me to break out the camera to document how high each of us could jump. It was humbling to learn that at the height of (what I perceived to be) my great leap, I had only gained about 3 inches of altitude!

At least my brother-in-law was no better. Ever seen the movie 'White Men Can't Jump'?

Thing 1 did much better, but the hands down winner was the neighbors son. He just didn't seem to feel the influence of gravity as much as the rest of us!

I got so many great pictures of people having fun today. It was so hard to choose just one. Then I saw this picture of Thing 4 relaxing in the playhouse, the evidence of a busy day all over his face.

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