
By nina

Tilting Estholm on Kökar

What a fabulous day! The sun was shining (still is) and the air temperature was about +6°C, almost no wind.

We (Joel and I) decided to go to Estholm, which is an island that belongs to Kökar. It is only a ten minutes drive there and as we arrived we left the car and walked around Estholm. On the east side there was still some ice close to the shore.

We climbed up on the high cliffs and I got this idea of making a tilt shift of the scenery.

We also went to see Kökar's only wind turbine "Mika". Have a look at Joel's blip, too, please!

Best viewed as large.

More shots of today here:

1. Joel on Estholm
2. The swans
3. On the rocks (still a bit ice on the shore)
4. In the reeds
5. Alder
6. Joel pouting
7. Staying focused
8. Spring clouds
9. Kokar terrain
10. High sky
11. Pole on the rocks
12. Coltsfoot
13. 3.3m/s - wind speed at Mika wind turbine

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