Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush ...

Well so they say.

(Can you see a bird in one of the trees?)

Eric and I went for a little walk this morning after the last couple of days I have been stressed and a little uptight due to the AGM yesterday.

I was a little nervous to say the least as I knew I was the only person being nominated for the new Chairman but I have had someone within the Club put in a formal complaint about me a few months back which was a little of my own fault but I also feel it was because of a minor a dispute with this person a year or so back.

I felt quite upset over all this matter but I have put it all behind me now and I am moving forward within the Club all I want to do is enjoy going to the Club and hopefully bring in new fresh ideas with the help of the Committee and our members.

Onwards and Upwards is what they say.

We have an external Club Competiton this evening with some other Clubs I will catch up with commenting when I get home,I hope we win.

Wish us luck !!!

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