
By mar

Your life is a piece of clay, ...

Your life is a piece of clay, don't let anyone else mold it for you.

Today was mad, which I always knew as it was going to be my first night teaching at night ... after Rainbows ... after working in the morning. And the week is going to be madder (if that is even possible).

Charlotte went to school and Michael and I went to work as normal. However, when I was doing my shadow teaching, the uproar slowly started. Turns out there are a lot of teachers stuck in various countries due to ashcloud but there are plenty of students still local. I mentioned that I could help out. Next thing I knew I was in an office working out schedules for the week with the school leader! Everything happened so quickly. Very quickly. She started with an hour on one day than right into taking lead on two groups for the rest of the week. Mad.

I think I was still in shock from everything (by this point, I already called Michael because, well he is going to have to help me and thought a bit of warning would be nice!) and received a call that the tiles we made on April 12th were completed. So I headed over to pick them up. The car journey did me good.

After, I headed home and got ready for Rainbows starting a new term. Although I picked Charlotte up from school, we decided it was best for her not to come to rainbows and just go to Brownies as I had to leave right after Rainbows to go back to work for a few hours to teach Teaching Assistant IT. The night went well and I was grateful that Michael decided to stay late and wait for me as there was a miscommunication about my assignment and Michael was able to clarify everything for me.

Meanwhile, the teacher won't be there next week so I'm now taking the class over for the entire evening by myself. Mad.

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