
By mar

The accent of our native country dwells in the...

The accent of our native country dwells in the heart and mind as well as on the tongue.
~François de la Rochefoucauld

Did my first teaching on my own today at the college. I was *very* nervous beforehand, as everyone told me the group was a bit rowdy (which I knew to read into). However, I was introduced to them and they were completely shocked when I spoke. Times like these I forget I have an 'accent'. I was there to teach maths for an hour, which I knew I wasn't going to have a chance to do, but instead it turned into an hour lesson on geology! It was brilliant and another teacher stopped by (probably to ensure they didn't kill me HA!) but was so impressed that 1) they were still there and 2) they were *actually* doing something.

Afterwards I had enough time to shop for dinner before picking Charlotte up from school. We went to our friend Vivi and Roby's as we haven't seen them in forever. It was a great catch up time and we talked non-stopped for 3 hours before heading home to see daddy before he went to the Governor's meeting tonight.

Meanwhile Charlotte's bowl/plate from March 20th has been fired in the kiln over the Easter term break. Tom, the guy who did them with her was very impressed with how they turned out. Charlotte can not wait to go back to make another - with different colors and maybe get a bit daring with the shape. Her creative juices are on over-drive.

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