
By mar

Computers are good for information

Computers are good for information, teachers are for building the passion
~David Rose

Today, I taught. All day. With a pretty, hmm, special class (afternoon there were 4 support workers to give you a clue on how special). Charlotte went to school with Nanny who also kindly picked her up and then took her to speech therapy (which I forgot about - go Mommy!) and then swimming lessons.

I knew today was going to be long, I was fully prepared for the attitudes I was going to receive. But I have to say they were all very respectable, worked hard(ish) and basically didn't cause too much of an issue. Even when I let them leave 15 minutes early for lunch - they all came back early (much to my despise as I was desperate for a few minutes to read). But it was a great vibe, and I even managed to get a bit of work out of them.

After I let them leave for the day, I had to rush up to the steps swapping hats from IT Teaching to A1 Assessor's for a long 2 hour meeting.

Tomorrow, I do it all again (minus the 2 hour meeting). But the new bag from the Natural History Museum was a great substitute while my Man in Hat bag is being washed.

Sorry for the boring blip - it's the best I can do with the toothpicks in my eyes.

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