blip art :: xb

By xb

301 [Inverness Castle]

I need to start by confessing that I think I confused people yesterday. Although yesterday was my 300th photo of my own 365, it only counts as 263 blips as my first 37 were before I joined. So, in just over a month's time, I'll have another celebration as I get a red balloon! I'm starting to feel like the Queen with two blip-birthdays, so after my first 365 is up, I'll continue counting only in blips to make it easier! Thanks anyway for the kind comments! What started off as a project for just one year has become addictive, and with so many supportive comments, I can't see me stopping at 365 [or 328].

So, to today. The gas man popped round in the morning, and gave my boiler a clean bill of health. Later, I popped out for an early evening walk along the river, and a daunder round by the Castle. This was just before the sun disappeared down behind the buildings, with the moon making an appearance [go large]. Nice, clear skies tonight, after hail showers again at times today. The weather's all over the place just now.

blipblubberbuster update: -2lbs this week! :)

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