Andy Warhol

So a friend of mine told me to go and see the "Gob Squad" on Noorderzon. So we did. Hard to explain, but they where re-enacting a couple of Andy Warhol movies (kitchen, kiss, screen test, sleep undsoweiter) live, filming it "backstage" and showing it on 3 beamers.

While they where doing this, some audience members where picked and put in the production (the girl on the left (sleep) and the guy on the right (screen test) where audience members).

It was all weird, but REALLY great. I shot a lot of pics at noorderzon, but because this was the best event i picked this shot. Maybe not the best, but this is what you get. I'll upload some of the rest tomorrow at picasa, but you'll have to do without a link to the gallery, due to the new rules and such.

Goodnight, I really gotta go and sleep

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