A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Head Spinning Flaming Gas Tank

It just occurred to me how ironic it is to paint flames on a gas tank. My head is spinning out of control due to some unexpected emergencies that came up today. Don't worry, everything is alright except for my thought processes.

The newsletter went out today without a second pair of eyes to proof read it. I nearly burned my double batch of body wash that was bubbling away over a double boiler that ran dry - twice. My daughter called right at the moment I was about to hit send on my Constant Contact-created newsletter. She needed me to watch Olivia while she took Owen to the doctor for a terrible cough. I clicked send, saved the body wash (for the second time), took a shower, talked with a couple of siding contractors on the phone, put away the laundry, dried my hair and dashed out of the house to head over to watch Olivia. I was half way there when my daughter called to apologize that she didn't need me. She forgot that her husband would be home. I didn't swear, I swear. As long as I was out and showered I stopped at the grocery store (disaster - no list) and got the car washed. Talked to my daughter after the appointment and Owen has pneumonia. They caught it early, thankfully.

I thought it was time that I blipped my new chicken tractor, even though it's not quite finished yet. It's right there...see it? In the reflection?

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