My Everyday

By MyEveryday


To those of you who viewed and commented my other entry, I apologize. I had to put aside my "artsy" side for a simple snapshot of my kiddos. Moments after I uploaded my other photo this morning, I captured this. This one is for my mom, who is having one of those no good, awful, horrible, days...hope this cheers you up mom knowing you'll see these faces in less than two weeks.

To those of you who have siblings of the opposite sex or have more than one child, you know how that brotherly/sisterly love can be. Love 'em one minute, and not so much the next. Well, my son and daughter's relationship is definitely that. It is not often when I get to see them working together so peacefully, or have the opportunity to quietly slide in and catch it on camera.

This is my two monkeys making french toast together. I couldn't resist but post this...not the best photo technically, but it could have been completely blurry and I still would have posted it, it just pulls on my heartstrings. :)

Ok, off to non-blipping now...busy day today...lots of work to do around the house.... M and I are volunteering at our local "Brewfest" later today; every spring, 40 or so different breweries visit our small town at an event at The Oregon Garden. It is always loads of adult night with no children, lots of socializing with friends, and of course, partaking in a brew or two. Looking forward to it!

Have a marvelous weekend!

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