Always Argyll

By livi

Red Sky In The Morning

Oh oh watch out Shepperd's ,turned out to be a lovely day.
In the fore ground is one of our 4 mango trees , picked a load of mango's when they cropped in January ,some thing they don't tell you when you are a wee cub scout is that mango sap is incredibly irritant to the skin ,took me ages to realize what is was after having this rash over half my arms.Really really itchy.But worth it, superb mango's.They crop really infrequently ,maybe again for a wee bit next year but could be an other 10 before the conditions are right.
The down side is that flocks of fruit bats come and eat the all mango's covering your car ,house ,garage in a dreadful fruity Jamey Pooh which backs like concrete.But the possums come to and they are very cute.

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