Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Trying the grind again

My euphoria about Summer having arrived proved misplaced, as yesterday was dull and overcast (though warm) for most of the time. Things picked up again around mid-morning today, and it was very pleasant by the time I went out for some printer cartridges around 4.00 pm. Fifteen minutes at that time proved to be my only blipportunity of the day, so there wasn't much to choose from (only half a dozen, actually). Despite the lack of choice I found it difficult to make a decision and had to call on the Derek jury to help with its vote. Should it be the gatepost that thinks it's a tombstone, a stretch of paving lit by the afternoon sun, or this Mediterranean-style house number? I first went along with the Derek jury and chose the paving (I was already leaning that way myself anyway), but I changed my mind since.

I actually had a productive day. I've been working on a long-drawn-out job over the past few months which came to a head last week, at which time I promised to get a revised version to the client by today. It's all quite straight-forward, really, apart from the complications caused by designing a Keynote presentation so that it's as compatible as possible with the client's YuckPoint on his PC. That's led to all sorts of hoops being jumped through, but I finally got it all sorted out at 10.15 pm, taking longer than I would if I were two-armed because of the need to take frequent rests from keyboard work. I'm not at all sorry it's done and dusted (assuming the client is happy when he opens his email attachments).

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