
By itcouldbelove

10 hours

I work at a pizza place and today I worked there for 10 hours. I have never worked that much in one day in my whole life. Now I know there are people in this world that have worked longer and harder than I did today and didn't complain about it, but I am exhausted.

We were busy from the time I got there at 10:30am until the time I left at 9:30pm. (I had a 45 minute break or so in the afternoon.) And it was crazy busy. Busier than it's ever been since I started working there 2 months ago. This picture basically describes what I felt all day long. I was so hot all day, working back there with the ovens. It was such a relief to come home and take a shower. And soon it's time for bed.

Thankfully today was my last day working there (for awhile.) I am going back to college in a week, so I will be taking this next week to get a lot of errands done before I leave for school. And then it will be back to the pizza place when I come home for my 6 week winter break.

I have to get up early in the morning because I am going out of town, so tomorrow's Blip won't be up until Sunday.

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