A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Cupcake Patience

This is Owen. He turned four this month. He is the reason that my Taxman and I returned to the Midwest from southern California three years ago. Owen is a wild man these days, but he is one of the bright lights in our lives. It's beyond comprehension how much love is in my heart - it spills over, in fact, when I hear him say, "HI NANA!!" It's not the words, it's the decibels and excitement in his voice that gets me. And the boy LOVES cupcakes! The first time I witnessed his love of cupcakes was a little over a year ago. I laughed my butt off back then watching him zone out while he ate every crumb. He's much more mature now and contains himself...mostly. The next shot in the sequence after this one shows him with his finger in the chocolate one. But he waited as patiently as he could. The boy LOVES cupcakes after all.

Right after he ate the sugar-laden thing he collapsed in a heap on the couch, and fell fast asleep still wearing his Iron man costume.

What's an Iron Man? I'm so out of touch.

PS: The real (although dead) bugs in resin were a huge hit.

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