Hammered in

Arranging nails upon the walls isn't the easiest task. But it is interesting. There is much coordinate geometry involved. It will be put to test once the frames arrive. Some arrangement aren't very usual but nothing's too radical either.

He has found a printer who does very good quality prints for very cheap. It will take a bit of time before the walls are filled. He catches up on some sleep during the day and then it's time to attend another dinner invitation. Right before that he scampers around the house trying to shoot something that might remind him of the day and fails to find anything interesting.

The dinner is perhaps a bit more classy, but the atmosphere lacks the informality the other one had. The food is delicious. While returning late at night, they try and experiment and lose their way. From stories they hear, it is scary. But they are back safe, though just a bit delayed.

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