She left me on Friday...

By DiscoDown

Who gets your vote?

British elections are, of course, really about electing an MP for your local area. This year in particular, and helped in no small part by the televised debates, the electorate seem more and more focussed on the party leaders and the idea of electing a Prime Minister.

The surge in popularity for the Liberals, off the back of Nick Clegg's performances during the three debates, has been amusing in the way it has blown apart the lead the Tories had built through the utter hatred the British public seem to have developed for Gordon Brown.

For the first time in my lifetime, the election isn't going to be about the same two parties bullshitting us into voting for a manifesto of doing whatever the hell they want. At last there is a third major force in talking shit for us to consider, and that is a beautiful thing.

I'm voting for a double chicken pitta with hot sauce, spicy rice and a couple of Super Bocks from Nandos. Who gets your vote?

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