Rodents rule

By squirk

Wakey, wakey! Emerge and see

Having a three-day weekend means that stuff gets done. Today, I bought a new kettle replace the one that's gaffa-taped and leaking (the new one glows blue when it boils, and whistles - though F found the switch that turns that particular feature off). I also bought paint for the front windows. We had them installed in January, but they have only a coat of primer. My dad told me that they'd rot before Christmas if I didn't paint them, and so today (almost nine months later) I started painting. Being in full view of the street, I had conversations with all my neighbours (in my scabbiest, unflattering, painty clothes).

When I shifted the window-box, I found a lovely collection of sleeping snails. I arranged them on my central planter and watched their feelers emerge from their shells, tentatively looking around their new surroundings. I love the way they do this! And then they're off, slithering down into the protective darkness of the plant.

(Cradlehall, can you ask Mrs Cradlehall what the plant is? I've completely forgotten, but I know it's a succulent of some sort.)

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