La vida de Annie

By Annie

Monte Toro

We were both a little jaded today after the litre of sangria each consumed yesterday, and the weather has taken a turn for the worse to match our spirits. Fluffy Ted was in a strop and refused to come out with us, but we managed just fine without him, successfully purchasing a suitable toilet seat and curtain hooks from a hardware shop in Mercadal, and then driving up to the top of Monte Toro to take a look at the monastery. The view of the island was obscured by clouds, but the communications masts were prominent as always. We went to the local bar for cocktails on the way home, as I was keen to introduce my friend to a Multiple Orgasm or Sex on the Beach, but apparently it was too early in the day for cocktails; the other customers looked askance at us as we crept out again empty-handed.

I've been thinking of the importance of Passion in life, and the need to use it in everything we do (one of the Reiki principles).

This from the poet Rumi:


With passion pray.
With passion work.
With passion make love.

With passion eat and drink and dance and play.

Why look like a dead fish
in this ocean

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