a town called E.

By Eej

Dusty Crawlfield

I was just about to get ready to leave work (the long hours are over for a bit) when I saw an unfamiliar shape close to the (open) door of the warehouse. I moved closer, as something about it piqued my curiosity.
It looked like a turtle. Surely not? As I approached I shifted my glasses for better vision. Odd, because I've been wearing contacts for 30 years, but apparantly my brain still remembers pushing them to my nose to see clearer. I almost poked myself in the eye, but whatever: it WAS a turtle. A dusty, sandy greyish turtle with a pointy tail.

Naturally, I ran to my purse to get my camera and THEN proceeded to pick it up and rescue it.

I brought it across the street where there's grass, and a bit of forest further down. It must have come from there, but it apparantly found it necessary to cross a (busy) street, a ginormous parkinglot and then walk into my door.
I contemplated keeping it because I figured it must have wanted me to, but then it pooped on me. Or tried to anyway. And I understood why it did that, but it's not a solid basis for a pet/person relationship now, is it? Isn't he AWESOME though? I called him Dusty. If he comes back tomorrow, I'm taking him home.(Sorry, honey :))

Sometimes the Blips just walk right up to you :)

Edit to add:

We have identified Dusty as being a Common Snapper. And yes, it's called that for a reason :) I'm lucky he was a baby and instead of snapping my fingers off, it just pooped on me :)

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