Pixel Art

By pixelart


Well not much happening this week .. caught tight at work, didn't get a chance to take my camera out and shoot :) So back-blipping for last Sunday!

The day started so early like any other weekend day! Trust me, my week days may start late but not definitely the weekends these days :)

Headed straight to old city for a photo-shoot. This time with a new photography group. We were close to 20 photographers who came for the photo-shoot on that day. The first rays of sun gently lighting the Charminar and Mecca Masjid, Kids running and chasing the pigeons in Mecca Masjid, the scene I always relate to freedom and chasing the dreams some how, were a pleasant sight to watch and shoot in the morning.

Surprise package was the Heritage walk, the group had planned for that day. Heritage walk was recently introduced by the state government's tourist division to promote the heritage and rich culture of the old city of Hyderabad, once ruled by Nizams, Paigahs and Qutb Shahis. The walk takes you through the streets of old city, narrating the history, the buildings, monuments associated with the history. It was nice knowing the history associated with the place we live. Also had a wonderful opportunity photographing those wonderful buildings, people and streets of old city. On the whole one of the best photo-walks I had recently!

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