Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

The beach is the best place to meet girls.......

Dimairt went haring along the beach, and sniffed - very interested - at something on the sand. I thought at first that there was a dead bird, or a seal caught up in some fishing net. When I joined him, I roared with laughter.

This lady has been created by kids (old or young, who knows?) with a really creative frame of mind; I can't believe the care that has gone into her creation. The eyelashes, for example, are made from razor shells.

I only noticed when I downloaded the photos that she has a name - looks like Pamela, or Amelia; not sure. Anyway, what a lot of pleasure this lady has given on the beach (if you get my drift ...), and it's a shame that the tide will have carried her off by morning.

Which reminds me - the other day, I was again on the beach, and came across a young boy of about 8, digging deep in the sand; you could only just see his head sticking out of the hole. Anyway, I cheerfully remarked that he must be digging to Australia (didn't everyone as a child think that this was possible?) He looked up, stared at me with the contempt reserved only for the young, and said in the plummiest/posh accent I have heard since the Queen's speech at Christmas - "One can't do that, you know....... anyway, it's obvious that this is a JACUZZI....."

Exit one woman and her dog - wishing that she could've put him in Room 101.

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