
By esme

Go on, go on, go on.

Another successful week comes to a close. Okay, not successful, but a week has gone by nonetheless. Today was slightly productive as I got 2 nights accommodation, car hire and train tickets sorted out for our trip up north in a few weeks. Now to find another B&B for the other 2 nights and we're sorted! All that's left is to do is pick out the tunes for the spectacular drive.

Tonight we spent getting completely caught up on our Daily Show shows. And what to blip at quarter to midnight but Mrs Doyle, of course. She's been on the mantle so long now that I don't even register that she's there, sitting proudly as a wee joke to catch people off guard when they come round to the flat for the first time.

I dare you to frame an iconic tv persona and place it surreptitiously in your home.

Ye will, ye will, ye will.

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