slash nothing

Yesterday evening I felt I needed a little bit of air so went for a wander back to the flat to pick up a few extra bits and to attempt to download some things whilst dragging out the looking-for-things process. It was the first time I'd done the walk from one to the other and there was a definite point at which I suddenly felt I was now walking through a familiar area. As I've been around the same general area for fifteen years there'll always be a wee bit of that but fortunately the bit which doesn't feel familiar (though which is still not entirely strange due to previous walks and bicyclings) and which isn't quite newly-local enough to be likely to become particularly familiar particularly quickly (particularly when it's not top on the list of routes to take) didn't feel particularly risky to be walking through either side of midnight on a Saturday night. The main difference between oldlocal and newlocal is the near-complete absence of students from newlocal, especially when they're so populous around Newington.

As part of the campaign to make the newlocal seem more familiar I went for a run this evening, partly along a bit which is familiar (along the prom, part of the usual evening-bicycle route) and partly along unfamiliar bits in order to get to the prom. It's almost two years since I deliberately went for a run along the seafront (though I'd often run the prim-section when cycling as bicycles aren't allowed to bicycle along the pedestrianised bit) and there was also a funny smell in the air then, though Seafield's smell is easier to source than the weird burning-smell of Napier. Though there is a detectable tinge of half-treated sewage outside the doors it doesn't seem to enter the house, though it's not quite at the level of offensiveness it might take living right next to such a facility and if it's possible to run right past it gulping in vast lungsful of the stuff without feeling sick then it's not likely to have much effect at home.

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