wrong side

As we were still hosting in-laws for most of the day I was planning on cheating for Mattress Monday by getting a captive mattress in Ikea or sneakily using the one off our old sofa bed which now lives in the loft. Unfortunately all such plans were driven from my head by the slightly scary trip to Ikea when four wrong turnings and five incidents of lane-disregard had me invisible-brake-pedalling with some frequency. Although we needed Nicky's parents' car's larger boot for the bookcase we were buying we had to split up and take a parent each as there wouldn't be room for four people and some bookshelves on the return journey. Rather selflessly I had volunteered to direct Nicky's dad in his car (whilst she drove her mum) on the grounds that I would be less susceptible to physical mis-hap in the unpleasantly likely event of a crash. On the way back a further collection of lane errors, one attempt to drive the wrong way round a roundabout and one failure to observe a red light at a junction across a busy A-road meant that I was not in much of a state to remember to get a picture of the mattress by the time we eventually got home, intact but already thinking of how I might get out of being a passenger in that car the next time it becomes apparently necessary to be driven somewhere in it when Nicky's dad is the driver,

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