A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Will looking up help?

Woke up in a bad mood which I've been struggling to shake off all day. I'm mainly blaming the political thingy but I really need to get over that as I don't think a 5- year long bad mood will be attractive.

My first attempt at positivity was remembering it's my godson's birthday. This means I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing six years ago. Listed lots of things I have done since that point. Rationally my brain knew this should make me feel good. Sadly the communication link with my emotions is broken and the exercise didn't translate into good cheer.

Next I determined I would achieve something today and not let it drift by in a fug of gloomy apathy. Tackling the hard thing I've been avoiding for about a month seemed worth a shot. Failure would have left me in roughly the same state. Turns out it wasn't as hard as I feared which is both good and slightly annoying ( yes, I'm that grumpy).

Amongst other things achieved are getting my inbox to single figures, progressing actions accrued from yesterday's production meeting and some school-related organisational stuff.

Amongst other tactics attempted to cheer myself up were taking a midday shower to see if I could fool myself into starting the day again and going out for carrot cake. I even did some washing.

On a scale of 1 - 10, if I started the day at 2, I reckon I'm about 4.5 now. In a last ditch effort to up that Carl and I are planning a dinner and cards evening. It's a gamble. What if I lose?!

Have a lovely day planned for tomorrow. Hope my sky is bluer.

Lesley x

Ps - if you stuck that out, you're a good person and thank you.

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