A rare occurance...

Today was one of the days where instead of trying to find a blip, I had the problem of trying to decide which one to use.

Now this is a sight I have only ever seen once before in my living memory. Let me introduce you to my dad, Jim Currie, or for the occasion of this blip let me introduce you to my dad's chin. My father's chin is normally hidden under around 3 inches of grey/white beard making him akin to Santa or Osama Jim Laden as he has been named on previous occasions. My brothers have been on the campaign trail trying to get others to join them in some sponsored moustache growing shennangans from the 1st of September.

I'll post a picture later of what he normally looks like. There may even be an interim with just the 'tache. Not sure of the technicalities of the sponsorship.

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