
By sp33dway


(pic inspired by that (far better) shot. Mine suffers a bit because a Blazing Squad of hoodies were gathering just out of shot on mopeds, forcing me to feel the need to skulk in the shadows of a nearby alleyway and rush the shot.

We may have had a week off exploring our proverbial doorstep but I really do feel like I've recharged my batteries this time round, which makes up for the totally rubbishypoo 10-day break we had off a month or so ago when I spent most of it in bed on my back or sitting on the sofa with cronic back pain. I should've been a tad more sensible neck and back-wise when it came to going to Alton Towers on thursday but hey ho, it was fun (although I am reminded I'm not as supple as I used to be).

Today we didn't do much so I'm slightly bemused as to how I failed to check the calendar properly and wish one of my bestbuddyboyos a happy Wedding Anniversary. Seeing as I was his best man there's no excuse so suffice to say I felt like shit when I did realise my datemixyupness, come bedtime.

So if you're reading this G I know I sent you an apologetic text but I am truely sorry. Hopefully a photograph of the petrol station down the road will make up for it ;-)

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