moving... not a mean task...especially when you're moving after staying at a single place for 3 straight years (almost)...there's this human tendency of amassing things which we think are assets, not realizing that there's actually a very thin line between asset and liability. It doesn't take long before one becomes the other. And it is times like these when we wonder whether all the effort in amassing 'assets' was at all worth it.

well, am glad that most of the stuff is packed already. But again, let me not fool myself. Generally, the seemingly small things lying on the table and shelves take more time than their larger counterparts. It looks like just one more hour of job pending but am sure it is going to take longer than that. Thanks that T came myself, I would've been at my wit's end sorting everything out in record time. And lastly, thanks to the untimely rain - though it lasted for just 10 mins. Tomorrow will be another day!

P.S. - an unusual tint for me. Generally, I like to leave black-and-white as-is. But don't know what came to my mind and I added this mild tint. Maybe, I do like this better than the plain vanilla black-and-white.

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