Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Strawberries on the beach

It is one minute to midnight, and here I am uploading my picture for the day. I have a terrible stomach ache, after my husband and I went out for fish at our favorite fish restaurant.

After we ate I was fine, and we drove up the beach and I took a few shots. It was pretty cloudy, and it was obvious there was not going to be much of a sunset, so I had to settle for this shot of some wild strawberries on the beach. I don't ever remember seeing them before. I want to come back later and see if they actually produce some strawberries.

I didn't do a whole lot today, I just felt like being a "sofa potato". Right now, I can't even remember how to spell the other word.

I took some charcoal tablets and some apple cider vinegar for my stomach, and I think I will try to see if I can get some sleep.

I hope everyone has a nice day tomorrow.

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