A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


A lovely day.

Our nanny is leaving in a few weeks and had asked if she and her husband could take the kids out for a day at the seaside as a leaving treat. So fairly early this morning J and A were picked up along with their buckets and spades and excited faces.

Which left me and Carl with a pretty rare occurrence - a whole Sunday to ourselves, at home, with no plans. We walked over Hammersmith Bridge and down the river to Barnes for a great Sunday lunch, a bit of jazz and the papers. Walked off lunch, well a bit of it, back to Chiswick and passed some amazing houses along the river.

Thanks to an article in the paper today I now know this is wisteria and there was lots of it about today. This made it to blip as this house sent Carl off on one about how this showed that the good witch was at home. So if you see dead wisteria outside watch out for the bad witch.

Wonderful to spend so much time just talking about anything and everything. A real treat. Good to remember that 'we' still exist amidst all the noise of busy lives. And some important stuff discussed too.

Kids arrived back exhausted but very happy after a day filled with fun-fairs, crazy golf, ice-cream and fish and chips on the beach. Lovely evening with them and now with Carl catching up on some chill out tv.

All round magical
Lesley x

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