Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Coos Bay Pier morning

My husband woke me up this morning at 6:00 when he got up. I rolled over and he said "Are you going back to sleep?" I said "Yes, I am tired." "OK," he said, "I just thought you might like to run an errand with me and then we can go down to the Coos Bay Pier and you can take some photos.' Well, I was out of bed in a shot, threw my clothes on, and away we went.

There is a funny story to this-- Last Saturday we went down to the Coos Bay Pier, and when we got back home, I could not find my lens cap anywhere. I looked in all my pockets, searched the car, and the yard too, but it was nowhere. Well, my husband walked down to the pier with me this morning, and he looked down by his BIG #14 shoes, and there was my lens cap. I was so happy! I guess it doesn't take much that early in the morning.

It was pretty cloudy, and then just about the time we got there, the sun broke out and I was able to get a few shots.

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I tried going to the beach tonight, but it was really overcast. I hope we get some sun tomorrow, but I think it is supposed to be cloudy. I guess I will have to get inventive.

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