All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter

Shy Tiger

"All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out."
~Albert Camus

Another busy day... Meeting at 9, work until 5, then volleyball at night. I consulted with a friend of mine about a work issue and snapped a picture of the lone fish in their office fishtank. A shy guy but beautiful. It was nice to catch up a bit with my friend as well, as we've both been busy and out of touch the last few months. Hopefully we'll be able to get together when I'm back from my travels.

Also got to play volleyball tonight... three matches (nine games). What a tonic! I was so tired afterwards but also so happy. Spending time exercising and hanging out with friends and acquantinces can be so absolutely refreshing. Note to self: this was the perfect way to end the day.

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