Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Feed the birds, tuppence a bag

Armed yet again with The Parent's bird table, by the end of breakfast, I had already taken half a dozen shots that on a normal day I'd have been chuffed to pieces to get just one of. In the end this shot won out as I loved the position the goldfinch was clinging on to the nuts in. I was however very proud of myself for managing to capture (photographically of course) a coal tit. If you've ever watched a coal tit at a bird table you'll know they are very flighty little creatures. By the time you've realised they're at the seeds, they are off again.

After breakfast we headed back up to Edinburgh, got Milo settled back in and now I've finally had chance to backblip my holiday.

Sunday: wood pigeon
Monday: house martins
Tuesday: woodpecker
Wednesday: meerkat

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