Red Hot.....

Well as i suspected, the guys got out the kerosene, loaded up the brush that Richard has been clearing all around the property for the past few days....and was pretty dramatic to say the least! They started it around 11am and at the moment, around 3pm, it's pretty well burned itself to the ground....which gives me a bit of peace of mind! It's not that close to the house, but you just never know! In the back of my mind is the memory of my good friend up in Muskoka, about 7-8 years ago....his house was burned to the ground, in less than 30 minutes, due to the 'helpfulness' of a friend who decided to clean up the place for him!!! Yup, really cleaned that place up alright. So, i am a wee bit paranoid for sure! But i've been assured that it will be out and well over by the time we head to bed.

Other than that, it's been a pretty quiet day around here.....pretty damp and foggy!

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