Arthur's Seat

Aidan is 7 months old today. Around this time (7.58pm to be exact) 7 months ago wee Aidan was born. I can't begin to describe how our lives have changed. I was out for dinner last night with work friends and they asked what I thought it'd be like having a baby when I was pregnant and how that compares to what it's actually like. I told them 'I thought it'd be a total nightmare and in reality it's a million times worse than that!' Lol! That's not entirely true of course. When people said to me before that they loved their children I thought I knew what they meant but I didn't. I often wondered before I had Aidan how people coped with all the annoying aspects of baby's e.g. sleepless nights, constant crying, dirty nappies, food everywhere, etc. Now I know that it because none of these things matter, even the tiniest bit, because you love them so much. I didn't know it was possible to love anyone or anything as much as I love my little boy. Anyway, enough soppy stuff, Aidan will not thank me for this when he's 18!!!

The gas man was round today servicing the boiler. The boiler is fine, which I knew it would be as we only got it last April. Aidan wasn't too sure about the gas man. Although the gas man was happily chatting away to Aidan. Aidan very politely just stared right at him with a blank expression. Kids!

I was going to go to the bank with some forms for the accounts I opened for Aidan. This was not meant to be as Mr Mono should have signed them too! Oops! Instead we went for a walk along the Braids. Well, just a bit beyond the golf shop. It was so hot today. I actually thought it wasn't going to be that nice so Aidan had a long sleeve t-shirt and trousers on! He was boiling when we got home! He had a drink of water when we got back though and was fine.

After this I tried to have a nap but Aidan wouldn't let me. I even tried getting Aidan to come into my bed with me for a nap. But he just pulled my hair, drooled on my pillow and laughed at me. We're thinking a tooth is very close now, you can see one at the bottom near the front. He also seems to have a bit nappy rash, poor wee sausage. So he's in disposable nappies. Annoyingly you can't put any cream on their bums with the reusable nappies.

As Aidan didn't really have a nap this afternoon he was very tired so we had to skip his bath and put him straight to bed. Hopefully if it is teething, his wee tooth will come through soon! I've been saying this for last few months though!!

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