
By champignons

Monkey world

Today was my annual birthday trip to the world of the munkies, along with Ed, Jez and Sam. It was quite tiring (now I am an old person- or soon to be one) and it's quite hard to get a good shot of the nifty buggers without public, bars or perspex reflections (and normally all 3) obscuring the way so I've chosen my favourite unprocessed shot to put of before I wash all the dust and fluff off and head to bed.

This was the first time the nut had been (I didnt go last year, I lied about it being annual; it's not really a birthday trip either, it just happened to be the best weekend) so it was a great opportunity to put his monkey impersonation skills to good use:
'oo-ooo-oooo!' he says, pointing at a chimp.
'oo-ooo-oooo!' he says, pointing at an orang-utan (the best ones!)
'Duck' he says, chasing a Guinea fowl.

He ran hither and thither in a state of extreme joy much of the day, everything was very jolly apart from their shameful inability to provide slush puppies with ice in. You know what a slush puppy without ice in is? Windoline.

Then we all adjourned to the Square and compass for a beer and a pasty (after a slight detour for some people. Proving maps beat sat nav) and the Nut fell asleep on the way home singing a song that sounded a bit like the hokey cokey (but the words were Ooooooooooooooo dadada) which was funny becausehe woke up singing a song, too.

edit: birthday is wednesday x

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