Hop Barn

By hopbarn

Watson on our evening stroll

This evening Watson and I walked along the old railway line for a while - the one that Beeching cut in the '60's. This is a feeder track which leads down to the main track. The grass is so fresh and green and there are so many wild flowers around. You can see campions in this picture - or is it ragged robin? When we were children we were told not to pick ragged robin as it would make us wet our pants!! Not sure if it's true or not - never was brave enough to try! We also saw sorbus blossom, comfrey, looking quite fantastic against the sky, and bluebells in the distance.
The cows are back in the field in front of the house and were very inquisitive about Watson and I walking through them.
When we got back to the garden I couldn't resist taking pictures of the clematis and the common red peony as well.
Now I am ready to have a glass of wine on the front lawn and look at the lovely sky and watch for bats.

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