
By mar

The course of true anything never does run smooth.

The course of true anything never does run smooth. ~Samuel Butler

Also appropriate:
God gave burdens, also shoulders. ~Yiddish Proverb

Having a hard time with blipping in my normal style, please forgive me.

We were off to Children's Hospital today for Charlotte's work to begin. We absolutely adore her Lead Ortho Doctor and we're very pleased we made the decision to not transfer locally even though it's going to mean a trip to Birmingham for every appointment.

During the appointment she was sent for a 'photoshoot' which was actually a lot of fun for Charlotte.

Then we went shopping and to McDonalds. Because what's the point of being in Birmingham if you don't do McDonalds and Shopping. Daddy has already decided that this is going to cost him A LOT of money (but doesn't care one bit as Charlotte is worth it!)

Received a lovely book in the mail from a very dear friend from Twitter. Funny how much that place has impacted things lately.

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