Nice weather for ducks

And so it came to pass that on this dreary, rainy day (which, incidentally, was perfect for duck weddings), Bucky and Buckita became husband and wife.

The weather couldn't have suited them better. In fact, they had been waiting for such a day to tie the knot.

Bucky's drinking buddy came along, as did Bucky's twin brother, Bucko.

Buckita was attended by her three olders sisters, Buckitina, Buckanna and Buckella.

Great fun was had by all and the happy couple are now beginning their honeymoon.

Very soon, they will be off on their real honeymoon - and who knows where that might be .... ?

Bucky and Buckita's love story started here.

Bucky's journey with Cousteau and me started here.

Bucky's adventures started here.


In other, rather more mundane news, school shut at lunchtime today due to the inclement weather. It is predicted that the rain will continue for a while longer yet. It's cold, wet and blustery outside. Cousteau, Pio and I are fed up of it and would like it to go away. Thank you very much.

I can't light my fire because it doesn't want to play. Oh, and I'm not very good at lighting fires. Heat pump it is.

What else? Oh yes, that's right.


Keep warm and dry tonight fellow Christchurch blippers.

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