live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Rt 10 Rw 7

What is RT?
RT = Rukun Tetangga = neighbor harmonious/Neighborhood (RT) *if i'm not wrong in translate it to english language*
Rukun Tetangga : neighbor harmonious (RT) is the division of regions in Indonesia under the Five Pillars of Citizens. neighbor harmonious is not including the division of governmental administration, and its formation is through local community consultation in the framework of social services established by the Village or the headman.
neighbor harmonious RT led by Chairman chosen by the citizens. An RT consists of a number of homes (family head).

and what is RW?
RW = Rukun Warga = Five Pillars of Citizens (RW) *again if i'm not wrong in translate it to english language*
Rukun Warga : Five Pillars of Citizens (RW) is the division of regions in Indonesia under the Village or the Environment. Residents are not pillars of governance, including administrative divisions, and its formation is through local community consultation in the framework of social services established by the Village or the headman.

Pillars RW Residents led by Chairman elected by the citizens. Today many neighborhoods in Indonesia Election Chairman who modeled similar to the presidential election or local elections, where there are campaigns and voting. A neighborhood consists of numerous Neighborhood/neighbor harmonious.

okeeee,,,let's sing a song about this RT 10 RW 7, honestly this photo inspired by indonesia's song but dangdut song, with the tittle Rt 5 Rw 3 but i changed the tittle of Rt 5 Rw 3 to be Rt 10 Rw 7 so it could fit with this photo XD

RT ten, RW seven
my house number ten
Its way street of love

Just ride the city bus
Toward the diamond city
If you're not wrong
for sure we will meet

RT ten, RW seven
my house number ten
Its way street of love

~ () ~

If I may I know
What is the purpose and objectives of your heart?
Want to know my house
okay with me

If so, I will wait
also my parents
But tell me first
okay with me

Hai hai, I mean to say
I want to asking you to marry


Hope you all had a great day!

*today was a long day for me, i was at college from 8am-6pm, had a class but then i had ton of assignments. oh maannn, I really do not like being on campus all day, you know it's so tired and also wasting my money, chicken porridge, hoka hoka bento and dairy queen you're stealing my money,fiuuuuhhhhhh.. -.- #sesicurhatdimulaidanitugakpenting *

forgot to say :
My daughter's doctor has told to her mother (my doctor) about the photos that I uploaded to blipfoto yesterday and she felt very happy and thanks all! :)

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