
By mar

Who is Dr William Penny Brookes?

Contrary to popular myth, Baron Pierre De Coubertin did not conceive the idea of the modern Olympics in Athens, 1896. So instead let us acknowledge Dr William Penny Brookes, father of the modern Olympian movement, the Games of which first took place in 1850 in Much Wenlock, a town in Shropshire.

What a fantastic, quirky day. Virtual Shropshire's @paulgrounded and I have been talking about Blists Hill and how we can get votes headed their way for the Art Fund Prize (please vote for them). The only morning we were both free was Thursday, but Paul was going to be at an event getting the Olympic Community Games under way in Much Wenlock. He invited me to be his 'helper' for the day, which I gladly said yes to. However, things changed when I was asked to be the photographer (with a fancy camera - not a point and click like mine!) as Paul dealt with the videography. Er. Bit nervous but ok. (Luckily Paul has told me the photos turned out ok!). Things went much better once the 'official' press people understood I wasn't competition (after I told them). I basically let them set up the shots and then after they were done, I stepped in and here. Jonathan Edwards and everyone was very nice... and patient!

It was a fantastic day and great to see theMuch Wenlock Olympic Society in action (and actually doing what they have normally done, even before London 2012.)

Afterwards, we went to the Tourist museum where I learned more about the importance of Dr William Penny Brookes, the founding father of the modern Olympic Games.

All this and I still had time for the school run, in which Charlotte decided a play date with Matilda was in order until 6.30.

Dinner for one then.

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