Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Fairy heaven

So I totally swapped my blip. I've never done that before, and I don't want to make it a habit. I've learned my lesson not to post too early in the day.

We have had no sun for days now, and as I was working on the computer tonight, I noticed the house behind us was draped in gold light.

I grabbed my camera and went out in the front to take a shot of the sun set. I really just wanted to prove that the sun did make an appearance today.

When I got outside, I was immediately overtaken by the beauty in my yard. Every drop of grass was covered in tiny, little droplets. It was like the land of fairies had moved in. It was stunning.

The kids are in bed, as it's after 9pm here. So I could go outside and roll all over the ground trying to capture every angle before the sun set behind the horizon. My work slacks are covered in mud. I love it. :)

I'm pretty sure this one actually looks good in large as opposed to my earlier shot.

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