mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Sleepy head

This isn't a great shot but it's a memory I was trying to capture. As Aidan gets older he enjoys sitting/sleeping on me less and less everyday. It's something I really miss (not that he ever did it that much before) as it shows me how much he's changing and that he won't be a baby for long. I treasure these moments that we spend together like this. He's still not feeling 100% himself which is why he slept in my arms this afternoon.

This morning we were at Baby Sensory. The woman that runs the class had decided to do a sort of song week instead of the usual lots of objects and stuff. It was actually quite good and the time passed quite quickly. Aidan was loving all the bouncing on my knee. Little bit sore for me. Unfortunately Aidan doesn't get any lighter.

Then we went to see Gran at her work. Gran's work is about 5 mins is the car away from Baby Sensory and we pass her work around the time she has lunch. Just a quick visit as Gran was busy today. It was nice to see her and Aidan enjoyed playing with a cardboard cup. Must remember that he likes these things instead of expensive toys! We also met a lady at Gran's work that used to baby sit Mr Mono when he was little. She said Aidan looks just like his daddy!

When we got home Aidan had a nap (surprise, surprise!) although he work up early from his nap. This is probably why he slept on me later. I got some things delivered today that I had ordered for Aidan. Hopefully I can use these for future blips! I got him a Sophie La Girafe (I'd heard so much about them I had to get one, he loves it!) and a Doidy Cup. I've heard loads about the Doidy cups so I'm going to give it a try with Aidan.

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