Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

It doesn't go to 11

After a long hard day at work theres nothing like coming home, picking up your guitar, sticking your amp up to annoy your neighbours and playing some Johnny Cash.

As I came into through the main door after work I noticed a couple of our neighbours talking in hushed voices, obviously trying to make sure the family upstairs couldnt hear what was being said. Apparently its not just Colin and I who have been finding them stupidly noisy, so we're going to speak to them as a collective as individual complaints just havent done anything yet.

It was also the first time I've actually met my most of my neighbours since we've moved in, which is kind of shocking after 3 months of living here. Anyhow, im going to record their names here just so I don't forget. Marie and Derek live opposite us with their daughter, Graham lives upstairs, Norman and Dot also stay upstairs, theres the noisy foreign family in question, and the other couple who I still dont know.

Here's hoping they take notice, and don't do something rash like getting their daughters a Wii so they can make even more of a racket.

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