Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

Who would believe it

Yup, I can't believe it either.

France 0 - 1 Scotland in Paris, my dad and I were in total and utter shock. France were absolutely all over us, Franck Ribery was absolutely outstanding for them and only some defensive heroics kept the score 0-0 at half time (lucky Henry was suspended too).

The second half begins, and France really begin to turn the screws. Craig Gordon makes a save, and launches the ball to James McFadden, who must have been a good 30-40 yards from Goal, turns, and blasts it hard into the top left corner of the Goal (helped by the keeper). My Dad and I went mental, and then realised it was 59 minutes into the game, and spent the rest of it biting our nails! No way were there 3 minutes of injury time.

BBC Match Report

Its being called the best Scotland result ever, and who can disagree. Mark said at work that they have only lost 2 games at home in years. I thought Alex Mcleish was going to cry when he gave his interview. Party in Paris for the tartan army tonight eh!

so that leaves the group like this....

1 Scotland 21
2 Italy 20
3 France 19
4 Ukraine 13
5 Lithuania 10
6 Georgia 7
7 Faroe Islands 0

3 games to go, Ukraine at Hampden, Georgia away and then the final game against Italy.

Off to join the Scotland Travel club tomorrow so we can try and get tickets for the Italy game.

Still in shock, im off for a lie down...

Notice how the BBC have the England game headlined after their defeat of the mighty russia? Who says there isnt a bias!

Edit: Thats better now!

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