No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Graduation Day...

Well, the day finally dawned for wee C's graduation from nursery... kind of, anyway. She'll still be going through the school holidays, and then for after-school club once she starts school, but let's not be picky here!

The ceremony was lovely, all the kids came out in hand-decorated t-shirts and sang lots of songs to entertain us. Then after a wee break, they were all piped back out (wee D was loving the bagpipes, as always!) in their caps and gowns, and presented in turn with one of these bears as a present. How cute! Bit gutted though, I thought they were getting their school ties as gifts... I didn't buy one the other day with the rest of her uniform!

A lovely (and very hot) day, followed by a lovely evening - hubby and I sat outside till nearly nine o'clock without jumpers, drinking some ice-cold scrumpy... yum!

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