
After riding at 45 degrees, anything around 35 is like an oasis. It was cloudy today. The wind stirred things up a little. There was the odd droplet of rain. It was a pleasure riding to work today. Now that I am back at home, the clouds above seem heavier, teasing us with hope. Gentle drizzles have begun and there is the promise of more.

During the heavy day when I remained almost firmly glued to my seat, a lot of work got done. Was also trying to look at a geometry puzzle in little gaps when work seemed to become too heavy. And when I would run into a wall here, I would get back to work. Though I have always considered myself good at geometry, I was not able to nail this one. I don't plan on giving up though. Will return to it.

Today I thought of the hills again. How we would stop to pluck plums from trees by the roadside, how the mighty firs stared down at us... how the towering snowy range of the Himalayas stood silent at a distance. Today I thought of the hills again.

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