
By Barking

Pink and yellow pavements

Okay, so this title has nothing to do with the photo, but I'll explain.

First, this photo was taken at 6.25 am when I was walking me dog. I didn't notice the wee bird on the back of the bench until I loaded it onto the computer. It was the best shot and the only one with the bird, so scored there.

This evening, we had some very welcome rain. The pine trees in the forest are blowing pollen far and wide. Cousteau and I are suffering from sneezes and runny eyes and everywhere you look, the pavements, trees, houses, driveways, cars (well, you get the idea) are covered in yellow pollen. Looks quite weird actually.

Anyway, tonight with the rain, the pink clouds of sunset were reflected in the wet pavements and mingled with the swirling pollen dust (which doesn't make us sneeze quite so much when it's wet) to make beautiful patterns in pink and yellow. I couldn't take a photo as the Canon 20D isn't renowned for its weatherproof qualities. Still, take my word for it, it was neat.

My pick of the skies tonight is Northern's beautiful skyscape. Very cool write-up too, even if I don't understand all of it!

Also, Bluesheep's blip today really caught my eye. Simply stunning.

This one is amazing too.

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